
InterSystems Cache & Ensemble Error 2046 – Invalid mirror configuration for %1, guid (%2) for system %3

In this blog post, let’s learn about the error message “2046 Invalid mirror configuration for %1, guid (%2) for system %3” in InterSystems Cache & Ensemble and the description of the error message. Error Message 2046 – Invalid mirror configuration for %1, guid (%2) for system %3 Error Details Invalid mirror configuration for %1, guid (%2) for system %3 is not unique

Raima RDM Error -12081 eINVDATEFMT

In this blog post, let’s learn about the error message “-12081 eINVDATEFMT” in Raima RDM and the description of the error message. Error Message -12081 – eINVDATEFMT Error Details Invalid date format

How to fix the Oracle error PRVF-05608: The file “{0}” on the following nodes have more than one ‘attempts’ entry:...

In this post, you’ll learn more about the Oracle ErrorPRVF-05608: The file “{0}” on the following nodes have more than one ‘attempts’ entry: {1} with the details on why you receive this error and the possible solution to fix it. Oracle Error Description PRVF-05608: The file “{0}” on the following nodes have more than one ‘attempts’ entry: {1} Reason for the Error PRVF-05608: The file…

How to fix the Oracle error ORA-36996: (XSRELGID13) Valueset workspace object should be defined over dimension workspace object.?

In this post, you’ll learn more about the Oracle ErrorORA-36996: (XSRELGID13) Valueset workspace object should be defined over dimension workspace object. with the details on why you receive this error and the possible solution to fix it. Oracle Error Description ORA-36996: (XSRELGID13) Valueset workspace object should be defined over dimension workspace object. Reason for the Error ORA-36996: (XSRELGID13) Valueset workspace object should be defined over…

How to fix the Oracle error ORA-19233: XQST0013 – invalid pragma?

In this post, you’ll learn more about the Oracle ErrorORA-19233: XQST0013 – invalid pragma with the details on why you receive this error and the possible solution to fix it. Oracle Error Description ORA-19233: XQST0013 – invalid pragma Reason for the Error ORA-19233: XQST0013 – invalid pragma A pragma was specified whose contents are invalid. How to fix the Error ORA-19233: XQST0013 – invalid pragma…

How to fix the Oracle error ORA-14521: Default tablespace string block size [string] for string string does not match existing...

In this post, you’ll learn more about the Oracle ErrorORA-14521: Default tablespace string block size [string] for string string does not match existing string block size [string] with the details on why you receive this error and the possible solution to fix it. Oracle Error Description ORA-14521: Default tablespace string block size [string] for string string does not match existing string block size [string] Reason…

How to fix the Oracle error ORA-06531: Reference to uninitialized collection?

In this post, you’ll learn more about the Oracle ErrorORA-06531: Reference to uninitialized collection with the details on why you receive this error and the possible solution to fix it. Oracle Error Description ORA-06531: Reference to uninitialized collection Reason for the Error ORA-06531: Reference to uninitialized collection An element or member function of a nested table or varray was referenced (where an initialized collection is…

SQL Server Error Code – 19481 failed to obtain the wsfc resource state

In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 19481 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 19481 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :19481 Failed to obtain the WSFC resource state for cluster resource with name or ID ‘%.*ls’. The WSFC resource state API returned error code %d. The WSFC service may not be…