
Raima RDM Error -10023 eINVFCNSEQ

In this blog post, let’s learn about the error message “-10023 eINVFCNSEQ” in Raima RDM and the description of the error message. Error Message -10023 – eINVFCNSEQ Error Details Function sequence error

Hydra Error 028 No space left on device.

In this blog post, let’s learn about the error message “028 No space left on device.” in Hydra and the description of the error. Error Message 028 No space left on device. Error Details An operating-system error code with the meaning shown was unexpectedly returned to the database server. Either a database table or an ASCII output file has probably filled the available disk space….

Helix Bank Core Error Code 50404 – Class1

In this blog post, let’s learn about the error message “50404- Class1” in Helix Bank Core, the reason why it appears and the solution to fix it. Error Message 50404- Class1 Error Details The route is invalid or is not supported in the version associated with your API Key.

How to fix the Oracle error DRG-13012: language column must be a char, varchar, or varchar2 type?

In this post, you’ll learn more about the Oracle ErrorDRG-13012: language column must be a char, varchar, or varchar2 type with the details on why you receive this error and the possible solution to fix it. Oracle Error Description DRG-13012: language column must be a char, varchar, or varchar2 type Reason for the Error DRG-13012: language column must be a char, varchar, or varchar2 type…

How to fix the Oracle error RMAN-08503: piece handle=string comment=string?

In this post, you’ll learn more about the Oracle ErrorRMAN-08503: piece handle=string comment=string with the details on why you receive this error and the possible solution to fix it. Oracle Error Description RMAN-08503: piece handle=string comment=string Reason for the Error RMAN-08503: piece handle=string comment=string This is an informational message only. How to fix the Error RMAN-08503: piece handle=string comment=string ? You can fix this error…

How to fix the Oracle error CRS-02318: GPNPD is not found.?

In this post, you’ll learn more about the Oracle ErrorCRS-02318: GPNPD is not found. with the details on why you receive this error and the possible solution to fix it. Oracle Error Description CRS-02318: GPNPD is not found. Reason for the Error CRS-02318: GPNPD is not found. Cause: Local GPnP service is not found. How to fix the Error CRS-02318: GPNPD is not found. ?…

How to fix the Oracle error ORA-36161: (XSAGGRRUVCV) Aggregation variable workspace object cannot have itself as a COUNTVAR.?

In this post, you’ll learn more about the Oracle ErrorORA-36161: (XSAGGRRUVCV) Aggregation variable workspace object cannot have itself as a COUNTVAR. with the details on why you receive this error and the possible solution to fix it. Oracle Error Description ORA-36161: (XSAGGRRUVCV) Aggregation variable workspace object cannot have itself as a COUNTVAR. Reason for the Error ORA-36161: (XSAGGRRUVCV) Aggregation variable workspace object cannot have itself…

How to fix the Oracle error ORA-14324: values being added already exist in DEFAULT partition?

In this post, you’ll learn more about the Oracle ErrorORA-14324: values being added already exist in DEFAULT partition with the details on why you receive this error and the possible solution to fix it. Oracle Error Description ORA-14324: values being added already exist in DEFAULT partition Reason for the Error ORA-14324: values being added already exist in DEFAULT partition An ADD VALUE operation cannot be…

COBOL Runtime Error Code – 001 Insufficient buffer space (Recoverable)

In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 001 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 001 Reason for this Error in COBOL Insufficient buffer space (Recoverable) -You have tried to open a file directly or indirectly and, although you have not exceeded your system’s file limit, something in your system is unable to allocate enough memory…

InterSystems IRIS General Error Code – 5392

In this post, you’ll learn about the General error code 5392 in InterSystems IRIS database the reason why you are receiving the error message when using the InterSystems IRIS data platform Error Code : 5392 Reason for the Error code 5392 in InterSystems IRIS DBMS No such method ‘%1’ defined in this class.

VB.NET and LINQ – Filter elements from object collection using where clause

Here’s a sample code snippet demonstrating how to filter elements from a list of objects using the where clause using LINQ in VB.NET. This sample gets all the employees who salary is greater than 20000 GBP. How to Filter Employees List whose salary is greater than 20000 GBP using LINQ in VB.NET ? Output Employees whose salary is greater than 20000 pounds Michael John

InterSystems Cache & Ensemble Error 6322 – Unsupported value of IncompleteSequenceBehavior in CreateSeq

In this blog post, let’s learn about the error message “6322 Unsupported value of IncompleteSequenceBehavior in CreateSeq” in InterSystems Cache & Ensemble and the description of the error message. Error Message 6322 – Unsupported value of IncompleteSequenceBehavior in CreateSeq Error Details Unsupported value of IncompleteSequenceBehavior in CreateSequenceResponse message: %1.

Win32 Windows Media Format 11 SDK Error 0xC00D2788 – NS_E_DRM_INVALID_MIGRATION_IMAGE

In this post, you’ll learn more about the Error Code 0xC00D2788 – NS_E_DRM_INVALID_MIGRATION_IMAGE that is returned when working with the Win32 Windows Media Format 11 SDK Win32 Windows Media Format 11 SDK Error 0xC00D2788 – NS_E_DRM_INVALID_MIGRATION_IMAGE Win32 Windows Media Format 11 SDK Description A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component during license migration. Contact Microsoft product support.