
How to fix the Oracle error PRCS-01071: An error occurred while trying to look up IP address for domain name...

In this post, you’ll learn more about the Oracle ErrorPRCS-01071: An error occurred while trying to look up IP address for domain name {0} with the details on why you receive this error and the possible solution to fix it. Oracle Error Description PRCS-01071: An error occurred while trying to look up IP address for domain name {0} Reason for the Error PRCS-01071: An error…

How to fix the Oracle error RMAN-06011: invalid level specified: number?

In this post, you’ll learn more about the Oracle ErrorRMAN-06011: invalid level specified: number with the details on why you receive this error and the possible solution to fix it. Oracle Error Description RMAN-06011: invalid level specified: number Reason for the Error RMAN-06011: invalid level specified: number An invalid incremental backup level was specified. How to fix the Error RMAN-06011: invalid level specified: number ?…

How to fix the Oracle error ORA-31032: XML parsing failed with error LPX-string while string?

In this post, you’ll learn more about the Oracle ErrorORA-31032: XML parsing failed with error LPX-string while string with the details on why you receive this error and the possible solution to fix it. Oracle Error Description ORA-31032: XML parsing failed with error LPX-string while string Reason for the Error ORA-31032: XML parsing failed with error LPX-string while string An LPX routine returned an error…

How to fix the Oracle error ORA-21527: internal OMS driver error?

In this post, you’ll learn more about the Oracle ErrorORA-21527: internal OMS driver error with the details on why you receive this error and the possible solution to fix it. Oracle Error Description ORA-21527: internal OMS driver error Reason for the Error ORA-21527: internal OMS driver error A process has encountered an exceptional condition. This is the generic internal error number for Oracle object management…

How to fix the Oracle error ORA-15329: cluster identification string ‘string’ exceeds limit of string characters?

In this post, you’ll learn more about the Oracle ErrorORA-15329: cluster identification string ‘string’ exceeds limit of string characters with the details on why you receive this error and the possible solution to fix it. Oracle Error Description ORA-15329: cluster identification string ‘string’ exceeds limit of string characters Reason for the Error ORA-15329: cluster identification string ‘string’ exceeds limit of string characters The cluster identification…

Windows System Error Code 15017 – ERROR_EVT_FILTER_INVTEST (0x3AA9)]

In this post, you’ll learn about the Windows System Error ERROR_EVT_FILTER_INVTEST (0x3AA9)] and the reason why you are receiving the error message How does this Error in Windows Look like? Error Code 15017 ERROR_EVT_FILTER_INVTEST (0x3AA9)] Why do you receive the System Error Error Code 15017 ERROR_EVT_FILTER_INVTEST (0x3AA9)] in Windows? A step operation must involve either a node test or in the case of a predicate…

Windows System Error Code 13888 – ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE_ID (0x3640)]

In this post, you’ll learn about the Windows System Error ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE_ID (0x3640)] and the reason why you are receiving the error message How does this Error in Windows Look like? Error Code 13888 ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE_ID (0x3640)] Why do you receive the System Error Error Code 13888 ERROR_IPSEC_IKE_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE_ID (0x3640)] in Windows? Received unexpected message ID.

Azure Q&A #4 – Azure SQL Auditing

Problem You want to store the Audit information of your SQL Azure database to Azure storage account. Solution One of the uses of auditing in Azure SQL and Azure Synapse Analytics is that it allows the users to track database events and then writes them to the audit log to various destinations. The destinations include Azure Storage Account Log Analytics workspace Event Hubs etc You…

Stripe API Error – payment_intent_konbini_rejected_confirmation_number

In this post, you’ll learn more about the Error payment_intent_konbini_rejected_confirmation_number that is returned when working with the Stripe API Stripe API Error payment_intent_konbini_rejected_confirmation_number Stripe API Error Description The confirmation_number provided in payment_method_options[konbini] was rejected by the processing partner at time of PaymentIntent confirmation.

MariaDB Error 1052 – ER_NON_UNIQ_ERROR

In this post, you’ll learn more about the MariaDB Error 1052 ER_NON_UNIQ_ERROR with the details of the error message and why you receive this error Maria DB Error Description MariaDB Error 1052 – ER_NON_UNIQ_ERROR with the sqlState 23000 Error Description for the MariaDB Error ER_NON_UNIQ_ERROR Column ‘%s’ in %s is ambiguous