How to fix the Oracle error SQL*Loader-00710: Internal error: direct path stream buffer not loaded?
In this post, you’ll learn more about the Oracle ErrorSQL*Loader-00710: Internal error: direct path stream buffer not loaded with the details on why you receive this error and the possible solution to fix it. Oracle Error Description SQL*Loader-00710: Internal error: direct path stream buffer not loaded Reason for the Error SQL*Loader-00710: Internal error: direct path stream buffer not loaded A direct path stream buffer was…
How to fix the Oracle error ORA-34000: (MODCOMP13) You cannot use both workspace object and workspace object as model dimensions,...
In this post, you’ll learn more about the Oracle ErrorORA-34000: (MODCOMP13) You cannot use both workspace object and workspace object as model dimensions, because they are both surrogates of dimension workspace object. with the details on why you receive this error and the possible solution to fix it. Oracle Error Description ORA-34000: (MODCOMP13) You cannot use both workspace object and workspace object as model dimensions,…
SQL Server Error Code – 40592 extended event session ‘%ls’ could not b
In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 40592 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 40592 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :40592 Extended event session ‘%ls’ could not be created or altered. XE Error %d.%d state:%d.
SQL Server Error Code – 40198 only a primary replica can be configured
In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 40198 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 40198 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :40198 Only a primary replica can be configured as a forwarder.
SQL Server Error Code – 33206 sql server audit failed to create the au
In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 33206 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 33206 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :33206 SQL Server Audit failed to create the audit file ‘%s’. Make sure that the disk is not full and that the SQL Server service account has the required permissions to…
SQL Server Error Code – 22945 could not add column information to the
In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 22945 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 22945 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :22945 Could not add column information to the cdc.index_columns system table for the specified index for source table ‘%s.%s. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause…
SQL Server Error Code – 17816 login to remote sql server failed with e
In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 17816 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 17816 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :17816 Login to remote SQL Server failed with error %d: %.*ls
SQL Server Error Code – 15812 number of columns in the data file ‘%ls’
In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 15812 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 15812 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :15812 Number of columns in the data file ‘%ls’ exceeds the maximum of %d.
SQL Server Error Code – 14641 mail not queued. database mail is stoppe
In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 14641 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 14641 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :14641 Mail not queued. Database Mail is stopped. Use sysmail_start_sp to start Database Mail.
SQL Server Error Code – 12630 verify_clone option cannot be specified
In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 12630 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 12630 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :12630 VERIFY_CLONE option cannot be specified together with SERVICEBROKER option.
InterSystems IRIS TSQL Code 3110 User does not have permission to RESTORE
In this post, you’ll learn about the SQL error code 3110 in InterSystems IRIS database the reason why you are receiving the TSQL message when using the InterSystems IRIS data platform Error Code : 3110 Reason for the Error code 3110 in InterSystems IRIS DBMS User does not have permission to RESTORE database ‘%.*ls’.
Windows System Error Code 1061 – ERROR_SERVICE_CANNOT_ACCEPT_CTRL (0x425)]
In this post, you’ll learn about the Windows System Error ERROR_SERVICE_CANNOT_ACCEPT_CTRL (0x425)] and the reason why you are receiving the error message How does this Error in Windows Look like? Error Code 1061 ERROR_SERVICE_CANNOT_ACCEPT_CTRL (0x425)] Why do you receive the System Error Error Code 1061 ERROR_SERVICE_CANNOT_ACCEPT_CTRL (0x425)] in Windows? The service cannot accept control messages at this time.
Win32 COM Error – SCARD_E_SERVER_TOO_BUSY – 0x80100031
In this post, you’ll learn more about the Error SCARD_E_SERVER_TOO_BUSY – 0x80100031 that is returned when working with the COM-based APIs in Win32 Win32 COM Error SCARD_E_SERVER_TOO_BUSY – 0x80100031 Win32 COM Error Error Description The Smart card resource manager is too busy to complete this operation.
How to fix the Oracle error PGU-41033: invalid ENVIRONMENT parameter?
In this post, you’ll learn more about the Oracle ErrorPGU-41033: invalid ENVIRONMENT parameter with the details on why you receive this error and the possible solution to fix it. Oracle Error Description PGU-41033: invalid ENVIRONMENT parameter Reason for the Error PGU-41033: invalid ENVIRONMENT parameter Cause: The ENVIRONMENT parameter in a DEFINE TRANSACTION statement is not a valid PGA ENVIRONMENT. Syntax checking only continues with the…
How to fix the Oracle error PCB-00300: Datatype for host variable not supported by ANSI “string”?
In this post, you’ll learn more about the Oracle ErrorPCB-00300: Datatype for host variable not supported by ANSI “string” with the details on why you receive this error and the possible solution to fix it. Oracle Error Description PCB-00300: Datatype for host variable not supported by ANSI “string” Reason for the Error PCB-00300: Datatype for host variable not supported by ANSI “string” Cause: An Oracle…
How to fix the Oracle error PLS-00627: ‘string’ must be a strongly typed ref cursor?
In this post, you’ll learn more about the Oracle ErrorPLS-00627: ‘string’ must be a strongly typed ref cursor with the details on why you receive this error and the possible solution to fix it. Oracle Error Description PLS-00627: ‘string’ must be a strongly typed ref cursor Reason for the Error PLS-00627: ‘string’ must be a strongly typed ref cursor A partitioning or clustering/ordering specification specified…
How to fix the Oracle error PRCD-01181: Failed to upgrade configuration of services {0} to version {1}?
In this post, you’ll learn more about the Oracle ErrorPRCD-01181: Failed to upgrade configuration of services {0} to version {1} with the details on why you receive this error and the possible solution to fix it. Oracle Error Description PRCD-01181: Failed to upgrade configuration of services {0} to version {1} Reason for the Error PRCD-01181: Failed to upgrade configuration of services {0} to version {1}…
How to fix the Oracle error PRVF-05454: Qualifier “{0}” is not supported for “{1}”?
In this post, you’ll learn more about the Oracle ErrorPRVF-05454: Qualifier “{0}” is not supported for “{1}” with the details on why you receive this error and the possible solution to fix it. Oracle Error Description PRVF-05454: Qualifier “{0}” is not supported for “{1}” Reason for the Error PRVF-05454: Qualifier “{0}” is not supported for “{1}” Cause: The indicated qualifier is not supported for the…