Documentation Comments in C#

In C# , you can create the Documentation Comments for your code using the predefined XML tags before the class or the block of the code thay refer to.

For example

namespace WindowsFormsApplication1 
/// <summary>     
/// This is a test Class Form1     
/// </summary>     
public partial class Form1 : Form     
   /// <summary>         
   /// Constructor for the Form1         
   /// </summary>         
   public Form1()         
   /// <summary>         
   /// </summary>         
   /// <param name="sender"></param>         
   /// <param name="e"></param>         
   private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)         
     Debug.WriteLine("This is a test message");         

In the above example , you could see the /// and then specifying the tag <Summary> for the class .

The same applies to the Constructor Form1() and the event private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) too.


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