How to find Absolute Path of a Folder in a Controller in ASP.NET MVC 4 ?

There are times when you want to access a file from the Application Folder which you need access to . In this case , you might need the complete path of the file that you are trying to access .

How to find Absolute Path of a Folder u in a Controller in ASP.NET MVC ?

You can use the Server.MapPath method that is defined in the HttpContext to retriein ve the path of the file.

For example , assume that the file name AbundantCodeConfig.xml is saved in the App_Data folder of the ASP.NET MVC Web Application.

To find the Absolute Path of this file , we can use the below sample code snippet.

public ActionResult Index()


string path = HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/AbundantCodeConfig.xml");

return View();
