How to fix the Oracle error ORA-36376: (XSAGZERO) AGGREGATE attempted to divide by zero. Set DIVIDEBYZERO to YES if you want NA to be returned as the result of a division by zero.?
In this post, you’ll learn more about the Oracle ErrorORA-36376: (XSAGZERO) AGGREGATE attempted to divide by zero. Set DIVIDEBYZERO to YES if you want NA to be returned as the result of a division by zero. with the details on why you receive this error and the possible solution to fix it.
Oracle Error Description
ORA-36376: (XSAGZERO) AGGREGATE attempted to divide by zero. Set DIVIDEBYZERO to YES if you want NA to be returned as the result of a division by zero.
Reason for the Error ORA-36376: (XSAGZERO) AGGREGATE attempted to divide by zero. Set DIVIDEBYZERO to YES if you want NA to be returned as the result of a division by zero.
A calculation in the current AGGREGATE command attempted to divide by zero as a result of an AVERAGE, WAVERAGE, HAVERAGE or HWAVERAGE operation.
How to fix the Error ORA-36376: (XSAGZERO) AGGREGATE attempted to divide by zero. Set DIVIDEBYZERO to YES if you want NA to be returned as the result of a division by zero. ?
You can fix this error in Oracle by following the below steps
Either fix the data, or set DIVIDEBYZERO to YES to return NA instead of signaling an error.
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