Category: COBOL
COBOL Error Code – RT142 File not open – cannot be closed.
In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL related Error Code RT142 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : RT142 Reason for this Error in COBOL File not open – cannot be closed.
COBOL Runtime Error Code – 071 Bad indexed file format (Fatal) -You are
In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 071 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 071 Reason for this Error in COBOL Bad indexed file format (Fatal) -You are either using a file which has been corrupted, or there is an internal system error. -If the disk you are using is corrupt, rerun your program using…
COBOL Runtime Error Code – 154 PERFORM nested too deeply (Fatal) -This
In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 154 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 154 Reason for this Error in COBOL PERFORM nested too deeply (Fatal) -This error usually results if you have used GO TO to jump out of the range of a PERFORM rather than to jump to an EXIT statement at the…
COBOL Runtime Error Code – 190 Too many arguments to CALL (Fatal) -A CA
In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 190 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 190 Reason for this Error in COBOL Too many arguments to CALL (Fatal) -A CALL statement in your program cannot be successfully executed because of the number of arguments which you have used with it. -When your program has terminated you…
COBOL Runtime Error Code – 045 Attempt to OPEN an NLS file using incomp
In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 045 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 045 Reason for this Error in COBOL Attempt to OPEN an NLS file using incompatible language definition (Fatal) -The NLS control information for a file in your program does not match the same NLS control information in the header of your…
COBOL Runtime Error Code – 055 Routine table overflow (Fatal) -You have
In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 055 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 055 Reason for this Error in COBOL Routine table overflow (Fatal) -You have tried to load too many programs simultaneously. Alternately, if you have COBFSTAT environment variable set to HOSTSTAT, this could be mainframe file status code “97”. -Cancel any programs…
COBOL Runtime Error Code – 137 Illegal device specification – not mass
In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 137 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 137 Reason for this Error in COBOL Illegal device specification – not mass storage
COBOL Runtime Error Code – 191 Terminal type not defined (Fatal) -Your
In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 191 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 191 Reason for this Error in COBOL Terminal type not defined (Fatal) -Your terminal type is undefined, so your operating system is unable to drive your terminal. -Set up the necessary environment for your terminal.
COBOL Error Code – RT100 Invalid file operation.
In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL related Error Code RT100 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : RT100 Reason for this Error in COBOL Invalid file operation.
COBOL Runtime Error Code – 120 Symbol string table of zero size (Fatal)
In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 120 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 120 Reason for this Error in COBOL Symbol string table of zero size (Fatal) -You probably have a malformed object file. -Once the program has terminated you must correct your object file. If this does not work, contact Technical Support who…
COBOL Runtime Error Code – 189 Intermediate code load error (Fatal) -Yo
In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 189 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 189 Reason for this Error in COBOL Intermediate code load error (Fatal) -You are unable to load your intermediate code. You might have tried to load intermediate code that either has not been successfully produced, or has been corrupted in some…
COBOL Runtime Error Code – 078 Illegal key description in indexed file
In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 078 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 078 Reason for this Error in COBOL Illegal key description in indexed file (Fatal) -This is the result of an internal system error. -Contact Technical Support who will help you find the cause of your error and how it can be…
COBOL Runtime Error Code – 218 Malformed MULTIPLE REEL/UNIT file (Fatal
In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 218 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 218 Reason for this Error in COBOL Malformed MULTIPLE REEL/UNIT file (Fatal) -Either your file header is not correctly formatted, or you are not using a MULTIPLE REEL/UNIT file. -You should try to run your program again using a backup copy…
COBOL Error Code – RT138 File closed with lock – cannot be opened
In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL related Error Code RT138 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : RT138 Reason for this Error in COBOL File closed with lock – cannot be opened.
COBOL Runtime Error Code – 209 Network communication error (Recoverable
In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 209 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 209 Reason for this Error in COBOL Network communication error (Recoverable) -This is normally given if an incorrect checksum has been received in a communications packet. -Your program should continue to execute after you have received this error but results might…
COBOL Runtime Error Code – 066 Attempt to add duplicate record key to i
In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 066 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 066 Reason for this Error in COBOL Attempt to add duplicate record key to indexed file (Fatal) -You have tried to add a duplicate key for a key which you have not defined as being able to have duplicates. -As this…
COBOL Runtime Error Code – 222 SORT/MERGE error: see status keys (Fatal
In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 222 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 222 Reason for this Error in COBOL SORT/MERGE error: see status keys (Fatal) -You have tried a SORT/MERGE operation which has been unsuccessful for some reason. You might have had too many files open when you tried a SORT/MERGE operation, or…
COBOL Runtime Error Code – 196 Record number too large in relative or i
In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 196 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 196 Reason for this Error in COBOL Record number too large in relative or indexed file (Fatal) -The relative record key has exceeded the system limit, that is, the file is too large for the system to handle. Alternately, the record…
COBOL Runtime Error Code – 044 Attempt to OPEN an NLS file in a non-NLS
In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 044 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 044 Reason for this Error in COBOL Attempt to OPEN an NLS file in a non-NLS program (Fatal) -The logical filename is preceded by “%NLS%”, but the program which OPENS the file has been compiled without the NLS directive set: the…
COBOL Runtime Error Code – 039 File not compatible (Fatal) -You have tr
In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 039 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 039 Reason for this Error in COBOL File not compatible (Fatal) -You have tried to access a file that is not compatible with the structure of files under the current release of your software. This could be because the file was…
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