Category: COBOL

COBOL Runtime Error Code – 077 Internal ISAM module error (Fatal) -This

In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 077 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 077 Reason for this Error in COBOL Internal ISAM module error (Fatal) -This is the result of an internal system error. -Contact Technical Support who will help you find the cause of your error and how it can be rectified.

COBOL Runtime Error Code – 012 Attempt to open a file which is already

In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 012 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 012 Reason for this Error in COBOL Attempt to open a file which is already open (Recoverable) -You have tried to open a file which is already open and so cannot be opened again. -Cancel your second attempt to open the…

COBOL Runtime Error Code – 192 Required terminal capability description

In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 192 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 192 Reason for this Error in COBOL Required terminal capability description missing (Fatal) -A compulsory entry, for example cursor movement or clear screen, is missing from your terminal configuration database. -Add the missing entry to your terminal configuration database.

COBOL Runtime Error Code – 161 Illegal intermediate code (Fatal) -The i

In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 161 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 161 Reason for this Error in COBOL Illegal intermediate code (Fatal) -The intermediate code which is currently being processed is not valid code. You are probably trying to execute a corrupted file or one which has not been submitted to your…

COBOL Runtime Error Code – 188 Filename too large (Fatal) -A filename w

In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 188 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 188 Reason for this Error in COBOL Filename too large (Fatal) -A filename which you have used has more characters than the maximum number allowed by your operating system. -You should recode your program to check the length of the file…

COBOL Runtime Error Code – 184 ACCEPT/DISPLAY I-O error (Fatal) -You ha

In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 184 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 184 Reason for this Error in COBOL ACCEPT/DISPLAY I-O error (Fatal) -You have either tried to read input from the screen or write to the keyboard, or the ADIS module has not been able to open your terminal’s channels for I-O….

COBOL Runtime Error Code – 139 Record length or key data inconsistency

In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 139 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 139 Reason for this Error in COBOL Record length or key data inconsistency (Recoverable) -A discrepancy exists between the length of a record, or the keys which you have specified, in your current program and its definition in the program in…

COBOL Runtime Error Code – 215 Cannot ANIMATE a program running COMMUNI

In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 215 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 215 Reason for this Error in COBOL Cannot ANIMATE a program running COMMUNICATIONS (Fatal) -You have tried to animate a program which makes use of the communications module. This cannot be done as both Animator and the communications module need full…

COBOL Runtime Error Code – 034 Incorrect mode or file descriptor (Recov

In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 034 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 034 Reason for this Error in COBOL Incorrect mode or file descriptor (Recoverable) -You are either trying to write to a file which is open for read purposes only, or read a file which is open for write purposes only. -You…

COBOL Runtime Error Code – 076 Can’t create lock file in /isam director

In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 076 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 076 Reason for this Error in COBOL Can’t create lock file in /isam directory (Fatal) -For some reason your system is unable to create a lock file in the /isam directory. One reason for this could be that in its previous…

COBOL Runtime Error Code – 197 Screen handling system initialization er

In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 197 and the reason why you are receiving it COBOL Error Code : 197 Reason for this Error in COBOL Screen handling system initialization error (Fatal) -This error can be caused by one of the following: -Your display adapter is in the wrong mode. -Your screen handling interface has not been correctly initialized because…