Category: C#

What is the Use of Capabilities in Windows Phone Application Manifest File ?

When working with the Windows Phone 8 development , you would have noticed the Windows Phone Application manifest file which includes an tab called “Capabilities” . What is the Use of Capabilities in Windows Phone Application Manifest File ? The Windows Phone Application Manifest File contains the metadata for your app. The capabilities in WP8 provides the users with information about the app and which…

How to embed quotes inside string in C# ?

If you want to embed quotes within a string in C# , you can use the escape sequence \ followed by the double quotes. How to embed quotes inside string in C# ? Below is a sample sourcecode demonstrating How to embed quotes inside string in C# .

Application Deployment Tool in Windows Phone 8 SDK

The Application Deployment tool is a tool that gets installed when installing the Windows Phone 8 SDK on the Windows 8 PC. What is the use of Application Deployment Tool? If you want to deploy the Windows Phone App (XAP) file to your Windows Phone 8 developer unlocked device, you need the “Application Deployment tool”. The Application Deployment tool allows the developers to select the…

How to Create ApplicationBar in Windows Phone using XAML ?

In one of the previous articles , we discussed how to create ApplicationBar programmatically during runtime using C# . This article will demonstrate how to create ApplicationBar using XAML. How to Create ApplicationBar in Windows Phone using XAML ? Below is a sample XAML code snippet which creates an ApplicationBar with one Menu Item and two ApplicationBarIconButton <phone:PhoneApplicationPage.ApplicationBar> <shell:ApplicationBar> <shell:ApplicationBar.MenuItems> <shell:ApplicationBarMenuItem IsEnabled=”True” Text=”ABundantCode”/> </shell:ApplicationBar.MenuItems> <shell:ApplicationBarIconButton…