Category: DB2

IBM DB2 Error Code -717 – bind-type for object-type object-name wi

In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -717 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -717 Reason for this Error in DB2 bind-type FOR object-type object-name WITH MARK release-dependency-mark FAILED BECAUSE object-type DEPENDS ON FUNCTIONS OF THE RELEASE FROM WHICH FALLBACK HAS OCCURRED

IBM DB2 Error Code -16250 – the db2-xdb:defaultsqlschema with value

In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -16250 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -16250 Reason for this Error in DB2 THE db2-xdb:defaultSQLSchema WITH VALUE schema-name AT OR NEAR LINE lineno IN XML SCHEMA DOCUMENT uri CONFLICTS WITH ANOTHER db2-xdb:defaultSQLSchema SPECIFIED IN ONE OF THE XML SCHEMA DOCUMENTS WITHIN THE SAME XML SCHEMA.