How to fix the Oracle error ORA-33094: (XSAGGMAPLIST01) Your expression uses too much execution space. Eliminate recursion or reduce the levels of nesting.?

In this post, you’ll learn more about the Oracle ErrorORA-33094: (XSAGGMAPLIST01) Your expression uses too much execution space. Eliminate recursion or reduce the levels of nesting. with the details on why you receive this error and the possible solution to fix it.

Oracle Error Description

ORA-33094: (XSAGGMAPLIST01) Your expression uses too much execution space. Eliminate recursion or reduce the levels of nesting.

Reason for the Error ORA-33094: (XSAGGMAPLIST01) Your expression uses too much execution space. Eliminate recursion or reduce the levels of nesting.

formulas likely refer to each other recursively or with a great deal of depth.

How to fix the Error ORA-33094: (XSAGGMAPLIST01) Your expression uses too much execution space. Eliminate recursion or reduce the levels of nesting. ?

You can fix this error in Oracle by following the below steps

eliminate recursion and flatten formula trees.

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