How to fix the Oracle error PGA-21213: received x’string’?
In this post, you’ll learn more about the Oracle ErrorPGA-21213: received x’string’ with the details on why you receive this error and the possible solution to fix it.
Oracle Error Description
PGA-21213: received x’string’
Reason for the Error PGA-21213: received x’string’
Cause: This message follows message PGA-00208, and dumps out the first 32 bytes of the data received from the partner LU.
How to fix the Error PGA-21213: received x’string’ ?
You can fix this error in Oracle by following the below steps
Action: If the data in this message is not sufficient for determination of the problem at the partner LU, use SNA traces on either side of the connection to gather more detailed information, or use the TRACE_LEVEL parameter in the RRM init file to enable SNA data tracing to the trace file.
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