How to fix the Oracle error PRCN-02079: Port {0} is out of the valid range, between 1 and 65535 and cannot be used on any of the nodes given?

In this post, you’ll learn more about the Oracle ErrorPRCN-02079: Port {0} is out of the valid range, between 1 and 65535 and cannot be used on any of the nodes given with the details on why you receive this error and the possible solution to fix it.

Oracle Error Description

PRCN-02079: Port {0} is out of the valid range, between 1 and 65535 and cannot be used on any of the nodes given

Reason for the Error PRCN-02079: Port {0} is out of the valid range, between 1 and 65535 and cannot be used on any of the nodes given

Cause: The port number that was provided was either less than 1 or greater than 65535.

How to fix the Error PRCN-02079: Port {0} is out of the valid range, between 1 and 65535 and cannot be used on any of the nodes given ?

You can fix this error in Oracle by following the below steps

Action: Make sure the port provided has a value between 1 and 65535.

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