Hydra Error 226 Cannot create index for system catalog table-name.
In this blog post, let’s learn about the error message “226 Cannot create index for system catalog table-name.” in Hydra and the description of the error.
Error Message
226 Cannot create index for system catalog table-name.
Error Details
The database server cannot open the file in which transaction-log entries are made. No transactions can start until this file is repaired. (In an ANSI-compliant database, nothing can be done; in other databases, only queries can be made.) Report this problem to the database server administrator. For INFORMIX-SE database servers, check the accompanying ISAM error code, and look for operating-system error messages that might give more information. A START DATABASE statement specifies the path to the log file. If the file has been deleted, you can re-create it as an empty file. If the path has changed, you can issue a new START DATABASE statement to redefine it.
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