Hydra Error 372 Cannot alter table with audit trail on.
In this blog post, let’s learn about the error message “372 Cannot alter table with audit trail on.” in Hydra and the description of the error.
Error Message
372 Cannot alter table with audit trail on.
Error Details
Once an audit trail has been started for a table, the table should not be altered. If you must alter the table, do the following. Copy the table to a backup medium. Use DROP AUDIT to remove the audit trail. Delete the audit-trail file. Alter the table. Again, copy the table to a backup medium. Finally, use CREATE AUDIT to start a new audit trail. The first backup is needed to restore the table if a failure occurs while the table is being altered (a lengthy, disk-intensive procedure if the table is large). The second backup is required because, if the table has to be recovered later, the new audit trail must be applied against a backup that has the same layout of columns.
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