Tag: DB2 Error Messages
IBM DB2 Error Code -356 – key expression expression-number is not
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -356 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -356 Reason for this Error in DB2 KEY EXPRESSION expression-number IS NOT VALID, REASON CODE = reason-code
IBM DB2 Error Code -636 – ranges specified for partition part-num
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -636 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -636 Reason for this Error in DB2 RANGES SPECIFIED FOR PARTITION part-num ARE NOT VALID
IBM DB2 Error Code -20224 – encrypted data that was originally a bin
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -20224 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -20224 Reason for this Error in DB2 ENCRYPTED DATA THAT WAS ORIGINALLY A BINARY STRING CANNOT BE DECRYPTED TO A CHARACTER STRING
IBM DB2 Error Code -304 – a value with data type data-type1 cannot
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -304 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -304 Reason for this Error in DB2 A VALUE WITH DATA TYPE data-type1 CANNOT BE ASSIGNED TO A HOST VARIABLE BECAUSE THE VALUE IS NOT WITHIN THE RANGE OF THE HOST VARIABLE IN POSITION position-number WITH DATA TYPE data-type2
IBM DB2 Error Code -105 – invalid string
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -105 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -105 Reason for this Error in DB2 INVALID STRING
IBM DB2 Error Code -504 – cursor name cursor-name is not declared
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -504 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -504 Reason for this Error in DB2 CURSOR NAME cursor-name IS NOT DECLARED
IBM DB2 Error Code -16089 – an expression-type expression and possib
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -16089 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -16089 Reason for this Error in DB2 AN expression-type EXPRESSION AND POSSIBLY OTHER UPDATING EXPRESSIONS IN AN XMLMODIFY FUNCTION INTRODUCE CONFLICTING NAMESPACE BINDINGS INTO AN ELEMENT NAMED element-name. THE PREFIX prefix-string IS BOUND TO uri-string WHILE ANOTHER BINDING OF THE SAME…
IBM DB2 Error Code -879 – create or alter statement for object-na
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -879 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -879 Reason for this Error in DB2 CREATE or ALTER STATEMENT FOR object-name CANNOT DEFINE A COLUMN, TYPE, VARIABLE, FUNCTION OR STORED PROCEDURE PARAMETER AS MIXED OR GRAPHIC WITH ENCODING SCHEME encoding-scheme
IBM DB2 Error Code -121 – the target name is identified more than
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -121 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -121 Reason for this Error in DB2 THE TARGET name IS IDENTIFIED MORE THAN ONCE FOR ASSIGNMENT IN THE SAME SQL STATEMENT
IBM DB2 Error Code -716 – program program-name precompiled with in
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -716 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -716 Reason for this Error in DB2 PROGRAM program-name PRECOMPILED WITH INCORRECT LEVEL FOR THIS RELEASE
IBM DB2 Error Code -16007 – -16007 the xquery path expression refere
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -16007 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -16007 Reason for this Error in DB2 -16007 THE XQUERY PATH EXPRESSION REFERENCES AN AXIS axis-type THAT IS NOT SUPPORTED. ERROR QNAME = err:XQST0010
IBM DB2 Error Code -592 – not authorized to create functions or pr
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -592 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -592 Reason for this Error in DB2 NOT AUTHORIZED TO CREATE FUNCTIONS OR PROCEDURES IN WLM ENVIRONMENT env-name
IBM DB2 Error Code -426 – dynamic commit not valid at an applicati
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -426 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -426 Reason for this Error in DB2 DYNAMIC COMMIT NOT VALID AT AN APPLICATION SERVER WHERE UPDATES ARE NOT ALLOWED
IBM DB2 Error Code -427 – dynamic rollback not valid at an applica
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -427 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -427 Reason for this Error in DB2 DYNAMIC ROLLBACK NOT VALID AT AN APPLICATION SERVER WHERE UPDATES ARE NOT ALLOWED
IBM DB2 Error Code -688 – incorrect data returned from field proce
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -688 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -688 Reason for this Error in DB2 INCORRECT DATA RETURNED FROM FIELD PROCEDURE, column-name, msgno
IBM DB2 Error Code -20523 – table table-name was specified as a his
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -20523 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -20523 Reason for this Error in DB2 TABLE table-name WAS SPECIFIED AS A HISTORY TABLE, BUT THE TABLE DEFINITION IS NOT VALID FOR A HISTORY TABLE. REASON CODE = reason-code.
IBM DB2 Error Code -882 – savepoint does not exist
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -882 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -882 Reason for this Error in DB2 SAVEPOINT DOES NOT EXIST
IBM DB2 Error Code -923 – connection not established: db2 conditio
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -923 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -923 Reason for this Error in DB2 CONNECTION NOT ESTABLISHED: DB2 condition REASON reason-code, TYPE resource-type, NAME resource-name
IBM DB2 Error Code -222 – an update or delete operation was attemp
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -222 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -222 Reason for this Error in DB2 AN UPDATE OR DELETE OPERATION WAS ATTEMPTED AGAINST A HOLE USING CURSOR cursor-name
IBM DB2 Error Code -925 – commit not valid in ims, cics or rrsaf e
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -925 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -925 Reason for this Error in DB2 COMMIT NOT VALID IN IMS, CICS OR RRSAF ENVIRONMENT
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