Tag: How to

How to Download Web Content asynchronously in C# ?

In one of the previous article , we demonstrated on how to download Web Content asynchronously in C# . This article will demonstrate how to do it asynchronously. How to Download Web Content asynchronously in C# ? The output file is generally saved in the same folder where the exe exists.

How to Catch the Unhandled Exceptions in C# ?

Are you looking for a way to catch the unhandled exception and perform the operation like logging etc. before the application terminates ?. Below is a sample code snippet that demonstrates how to do it in Console Application. How to Catch the Unhandled Exceptions in C# ?

How to Detect the App returning from Dormant or Tombstoned State in Windows Phone 8?

When the Windows Phone is deactivated, the application enters the dormant state. Some of the scenario when the application can go to the dormant state are User uses the start button to navigate to different application. User receives a call when using the application User launches the launcher or chooser. etc. How to Detect the App if returning from Dormant or Tombstoned State in Windows…

Undefined reference to `pow’ when compiling C program

When trying to make a simple program in C and compiling it , there are times when you might get an error that you are missing the pow function when you have used them inspite of including the math.h header file. The error message looks like this. undefined reference to ‘pow’ collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status How to fix the error undefined reference…

Java Program to display "Hello, World!"

Problem Write a program in Java to display “Hello, World!” on the screen. Java Program to display “Hello, World!” in Console Window. This is a simple Java program that displays “Hello, World!” on the console window. Output Hello, World!

How to find if the Character is a UpperCase or LowerCase in C# ?

You can find if the Character is a UpperCase or LowerCase in C# with the following methods Char.IsLower Char.IsUpper How to find if the Character is a UpperCase or LowerCase in C# ? The Char.IsLower method will return true if the specified character is a lower case character. The Char.IsUpper method will return true if the specified character is a upper case character.

How to Perform Inner Join using LINQ in C# ?

Are you looking for the syntax on how to perform inner join using LINQ in C# ? . Below is a sample code snippet that demonstrates how to do it. How to Perform Inner Join using LINQ in C# ? Assume that the 2 objects that needs to be joined are Employee and EmployeeLeave as shown below. The employees and the leaves list contains the…

How to Iterate Enum in C# ?

The Enum values can be iterated using the Enum.GetValues method. How to Iterate Enum in C# ? Below is a sample sourecode that demonstrates How to Iterate Enum in C# (Winforms)?

C Program to display half-pyramid using alphabets

Problem Write a program in C to print half-pyramid using alphabets as shown below.The program should take the number of rows as input. A B B C C C D D D D How to create and display half-pyramid pattern in C using alphabets ? Output Abundantcode.com Coding samples Enter the limit : 4 A BB CCC DDDD

Verify if the variable is a non-empty string in JavaScript

If you want to test if a variable that is defined is a non-empty string in JavaScript , you can use the typeof keyword to find if the type is a sring as well as check for the length of the string as shown below. How to verify if the variable is a non-empty string in JavaScript ? This will cause the else part to…

C Program to find GCD of two numbers

Problem Write a program in C to find the GCD of two numbers. How to find the GCD of two numbers in C ? GCD of two numbers refers to the largest integer value that can exactly divide both the number where the remainder is zero. Here’s a program in C demonstrating this. Output Abundantcode.com Coding Sample                                              Enter first Number: 24                                                Enter second Number: 18                                              …

How to animate page navigation in Windows Phone 8?

In Windows Phone 8, the developers generally use the NavigationService.Navigate method to navigate from one page to another. By default, this does not include any kind of animation or transition when navigating. How to animate page navigation in Windows Phone 8? To animate page navigation in windows phone 8, you should download the Windows Phone Toolkit which is available for download from phone.codeplex.com The Windows…