Tag: InterSystems IRIS Errors

InterSystems IRIS General Error Code – 7102

In this post, you’ll learn about the General error code 7102 in InterSystems IRIS database the reason why you are receiving the error message when using the InterSystems IRIS data platform Error Code : 7102 Reason for the Error code 7102 in InterSystems IRIS DBMS FileStream Mode %1 does not include Read mode setting

InterSystems IRIS General Error Code – 6326

In this post, you’ll learn about the General error code 6326 in InterSystems IRIS database the reason why you are receiving the error message when using the InterSystems IRIS data platform Error Code : 6326 Reason for the Error code 6326 in InterSystems IRIS DBMS Only CloseSequenceResponse response to WS-ReliableMessaging CloseSequence request is supported: %1.

InterSystems IRIS General Error Code – 258

In this post, you’ll learn about the General error code 258 in InterSystems IRIS database the reason why you are receiving the error message when using the InterSystems IRIS data platform Error Code : 258 Reason for the Error code 258 in InterSystems IRIS DBMS Invalid name %1 in global directory block #%3, entry %2

InterSystems IRIS General Error Code – 5430

In this post, you’ll learn about the General error code 5430 in InterSystems IRIS database the reason why you are receiving the error message when using the InterSystems IRIS data platform Error Code : 5430 Reason for the Error code 5430 in InterSystems IRIS DBMS Trigger ‘%1’ not defined

InterSystems IRIS General Error Code – 73

In this post, you’ll learn about the General error code 73 in InterSystems IRIS database the reason why you are receiving the error message when using the InterSystems IRIS data platform Error Code : 73 Reason for the Error code 73 in InterSystems IRIS DBMS No such directory

InterSystems IRIS General Error Code – 2050

In this post, you’ll learn about the General error code 2050 in InterSystems IRIS database the reason why you are receiving the error message when using the InterSystems IRIS data platform Error Code : 2050 Reason for the Error code 2050 in InterSystems IRIS DBMS Mirror configuration not loaded

InterSystems IRIS TSQL Code 4004 Unicode data in a Unicode-only collation

In this post, you’ll learn about the SQL error code 4004 in InterSystems IRIS database the reason why you are receiving the TSQL message when using the InterSystems IRIS data platform Error Code : 4004 Reason for the Error code 4004 in InterSystems IRIS DBMS Unicode data in a Unicode-only collation or ntext data cannot be sent to clients using DB-Library (such as ISQL) or…

InterSystems IRIS General Error Code – 6027

In this post, you’ll learn about the General error code 6027 in InterSystems IRIS database the reason why you are receiving the error message when using the InterSystems IRIS data platform Error Code : 6027 Reason for the Error code 6027 in InterSystems IRIS DBMS NamespaceList query: invalid data in Fetch().

InterSystems IRIS General Error Code – 6904

In this post, you’ll learn about the General error code 6904 in InterSystems IRIS database the reason why you are receiving the error message when using the InterSystems IRIS data platform Error Code : 6904 Reason for the Error code 6904 in InterSystems IRIS DBMS Result Handler is NOT a subclass of %XML.XPATH.ResultHandler

InterSystems IRIS General Error Code – 5554

In this post, you’ll learn about the General error code 5554 in InterSystems IRIS database the reason why you are receiving the error message when using the InterSystems IRIS data platform Error Code : 5554 Reason for the Error code 5554 in InterSystems IRIS DBMS %2 parameter value must be a positive integer: %1.%2=%3

InterSystems IRIS System Error Code – NETWORK DATA UPDATE FAILED An asynchronous network error

In this post, you’ll learn about the System Error Code NETWORK DATA UPDATE FAILED in InterSystems IRIS database the reason why you are receiving it Error Code : NETWORK DATA UPDATE FAILED Reason for the Error code NETWORK DATA UPDATE FAILED in InterSystems IRIS DBMS An asynchronous network error occurred and updates sent over the network were lost. The reasons for the loss are undetermined….