Tag: MS SQL Server Error Codes
SQL Server Error Code – 27022 an error specific to fuzzy lookup table
In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 27022 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 27022 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :27022 An error specific to fuzzy lookup table maintenance has occurred.
SQL Server Error Code – 41660 windows fabric service ‘%ls’ (partition
In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 41660 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 41660 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :41660 Windows Fabric service ‘%ls’ (partition ID ‘%ls’) received a primary replica information message from remote replica ‘%ls’ with an epoch [%I64d,%I64d] which is less than the local epoch [%I64d,%I64d]. SQL…
SQL Server Error Code – 6352 invalid parameter specified. xml schema
In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 6352 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 6352 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :6352 Invalid parameter specified. XML Schema Collections can only be created from a string literal, or from a variable typed as a string or untyped XML.
SQL Server Error Code – 40973 can not drop database because a failover
In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 40973 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 40973 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :40973 Can not drop database because a failover operation is in progress on the failover group.
SQL Server Error Code – 3458 recovery cannot scan database ?%.*ls? fo
In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 3458 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 3458 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :3458 Recovery cannot scan database ?%.*ls? for dropped allocation units because an unexpected error has occurred. These allocation units cannot be cleaned up.
SQL Server Error Code – 33261 the security policy ‘%.*ls’ does not con
In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 33261 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 33261 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :33261 The security policy ‘%.*ls’ does not contain a predicate on table ‘%.*ls’.
SQL Server Error Code – 3756 truncate table statement failed. index ?
In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 3756 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 3756 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :3756 TRUNCATE TABLE statement failed. Index ?%.*ls? is not partitioned, but table ?%.*ls? uses partition function ?%.*ls?. Index and table must use an equivalent partition function.
SQL Server Error Code – 11104 the provider could not support insertion
In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 11104 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 11104 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :11104 The provider could not support insertion on this table.
SQL Server Error Code – 13572 creating table variables containing peri
In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 13572 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 13572 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :13572 Creating table variables containing PERIOD is not allowed.
SQL Server Error Code – 18497 [server: %.*s%.*ls]
In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 18497 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 18497 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :18497 [SERVER: %.*s%.*ls]
SQL Server Error Code – 6386 cannot convert a selective xml index to
In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 6386 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 6386 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :6386 Cannot convert a selective XML index to a secondary selective XML index using the DROP_EXISTING option. ‘%.*ls’ is a selective XML index.
SQL Server Error Code – 17892 logon failed for login ‘%.*ls’ due to tr
In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 17892 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 17892 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :17892 Logon failed for login ‘%.*ls’ due to trigger execution.%.*ls
SQL Server Error Code – 322 the variable ?%.*ls? is specified in the
In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 322 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 322 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :322 The variable ?%.*ls? is specified in the OPTIMIZE FOR clause, but is not used in the query.
SQL Server Error Code – 471 only one of the three options, single_bl
In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 471 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 471 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :471 Only one of the three options, SINGLE_BLOB, SINGLE_CLOB or SINGLE_NCLOB, can be specified.
SQL Server Error Code – 8112 cannot add more than one clustered index
In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 8112 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 8112 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :8112 Cannot add more than one clustered index for constraints on table ‘%.*ls’.
SQL Server Error Code – 12622 database cloning for ‘%.*ls’ has finishe
In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 12622 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 12622 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :12622 Database cloning for ‘%.*ls’ has finished. Cloned database is ‘%.*ls’.
SQL Server Error Code – 19068 the trace file path is not valid or not
In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 19068 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 19068 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :19068 The trace file path is not valid or not supported.
SQL Server Error Code – 19480 failed to open a cluster network object:
In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 19480 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 19480 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :19480 Failed to open a cluster network object: ‘%ls’. The WSFC cluster control API returned error code %d. The WSFC service may not be running or may be inaccessible in its…
SQL Server Error Code – 5201 dbcc shrinkdatabase: file id %d of datab
In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 5201 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 5201 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :5201 DBCC SHRINKDATABASE: File ID %d of database ID %d was skipped because the file does not have enough free space to reclaim.
SQL Server Error Code – 6601 the xml parse error 0x%x occurred on lin
In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 6601 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 6601 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :6601 The XML parse error 0x%x occurred on line number %d, near the XML text “%.*ls”.