Category: C#

Json.NET & VB.NET – How to Serialize an Collection?

Do you want to serialize an collection in your VB.NET application?. Json.NET supports this functionality with ease. The Collection can be an Array , Dictionary or List. You need to simply pass collection to the JsonConvert.SerializeObject static method which would serialize the collection and return you the Json string. How to Serialize a Collection in VB.NET using Json.NET ? For example , assume that you…

C# Compiler Warning – CS1957 member ‘{1}’ overrides ‘{0}’. there are

In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the C# Compiler Warning – CS1957 and the related message description C# Compiler Warning Code CS1957 C# Compiler Description for the Code :CS1957 Member ‘{1}’ overrides ‘{0}’. There are multiple override candidates at run-time. It is implementation dependent which method will be called. Please use a newer runtime.

C# Program to swap two numbers

Problem Write a program in C# to swap two numbers using temporary variable and display the result in the console window. How to swap two numbers in C# and display it in the Console ? Output coding sample Enter the First Number : 25 Enter the Second Number : 87 First Number is 87 Second Number is 25

Thread.Sleep equivalent in UWP App

If you are looking for an equivanet for Thread.Sleep method in UWP apps , you can use the Task.Delay method instead. The reason for this is that Task.Delay works like a pause method for the asynchronous call.

Sending Email using URI LaunchUriAsync in Windows Phone 8

Below is a sample code snippet of the button click event which launches the Email App and then creates a new Message with the specified email address. Sending Email using URI LaunchUriAsync in Windows Phone 8 Once the Email App is launched, the user can type the message and tap the send icon to send the email.