Category: C#

What are Attached Properties in XAML?

The Attached Properties in XAML are the properties which can be used by other classes. A simple example of the attached properties is the Grid.Row property in the Stack Panel which defines where in the grid, the stack panel will be displayed in the Grid. What are Attached Properties in XAML ?

Json.NET & VB.NET – How to Deserialize an Object ?

One of the ways to Deserialize an object to JSON string in VB.NET in the Json.NET is using the DeSerializeObject method defined in the JsonConvert method. How to Deserialize an Object in VB.NET using Json.NET ? Below is a sample code snippet demonstrating how you can deserialize an object from Json string to VB.NET object using Json.NET. It takes the json string that contains the…

C# Compiler Warning – CS8424 the enumeratorcancellationattribute appl

In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the C# Compiler Warning – CS8424 and the related message description C# Compiler Warning Code CS8424 C# Compiler Description for the Code :CS8424 The EnumeratorCancellationAttribute applied to parameter ‘{0}’ will have no effect. The attribute is only effective on a parameter of type CancellationToken in an async-iterator method returning IAsyncEnumerable