Category: C#

C# Compiler Error – CS8510 the pattern is unreachable. it has alrea

In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the C# Compiler Error – CS8510 and the related message description C# Compiler Error Code CS8510 C# Compiler Description for the Code :CS8510 The pattern is unreachable. It has already been handled by a previous arm of the switch expression or it is impossible to match.

C# Program to add two integers

Problem Write a program in C# to add two integers and display the result on the screen. C# Program to add two integers Output Enter the first number1 Enter the second number2 result 3

Convert.ChangeType Method in C#

The .NET Framework has the Convert.ChangeType Method which converts the object specified to the conversion type. The value should implement the IConvertible interface for the conversion to be successful. Convert.ChangeType Method in C# Below is a simple code snippet demonstrating Convert.ChangeType Method in C#

How to Throw an Exception in C# ?

To indicate and error which can be handled by the caller function , you can use the throw keyword to throw an exception . For example , below is a sample code snippet demonstrating how to throw an exception in C#. How to Throw an Exception in C# ?