Category: DB2

IBM DB2 Error Code -20100 – an error occurred when binding a trigger

In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -20100 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -20100 Reason for this Error in DB2 AN ERROR OCCURRED WHEN BINDING A TRIGGERED SQL STATEMENT. INFORMATION RETURNED: SECTION NUMBER : section-number SQLCODE sqlerror, SQLSTATE sqlstate, AND MESSAGE TOKENS token-list

IBM DB2 Error Code -16258 – the xml schema contains a recursive elem

In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -16258 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -16258 Reason for this Error in DB2 THE XML SCHEMA CONTAINS A RECURSIVE ELEMENT WHICH IS AN UNSUPPORTED FEATURE FOR DECOMPOSITION. THE RECURSIVE ELEMENT IS IDENTIFIED AS elementnamespace : elementname OF TYPE typenamespace : typename.

IBM DB2 Error Code -593 – not null must be specified for column-na

In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -593 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -593 Reason for this Error in DB2 NOT NULL MUST BE SPECIFIED FOR column-name BECAUSE IT IS DEFINED AS A ROWID (OR DISTINCT TYPE FOR ROWID), ROW CHANGE TIMESTAMP COLUMN, ROW BEGIN COLUMN, ROW END COLUMN, OR COLUMN OF A PERIOD…