Category: SQL Server

SQL Server Error Code – 41024 failed to register additional windows se

In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 41024 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 41024 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :41024 Failed to register additional Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) change notifications with notification filter %d and notification key %d (Error code %d).  If this is a WSFC availability group, the…

Specify a port number when connecting to SQL Server in Management Studio

There are times when you want to connect to a SQL Server instance that is running on a different port number than default port (1433). How to specify a port number when connecting to a SQL Server instance in SQL Management Studio ? Just specify the SQL Server instance that you are connecting to along with the port number with comma as delimiter. For example…

SQL Server Error Code – 3137 database cannot be reverted. either the

In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 3137 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 3137 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :3137 Database cannot be reverted. Either the primary or the snapshot names are improperly specified, all other snapshots have not been dropped, or there are missing files.

SQL Server Error Code – 41365 merge request for transaction range [%ld

In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 41365 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 41365 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :41365 Merge request for transaction range [%ld, %ld] on database ‘%.*ls’ was not scheduled. The checkpoint files represented by the range either cannot be merged, or the checkpoint files are already…

SQL Server Error Code – 22946 could not add column information to the

In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 22946 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 22946 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :22946 Could not add column information to the cdc.captured_columns system table for source table ‘%s.%s’. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated…