Category: SQL Server

SQL Server Error Code – 10666 cannot resume index build as required do

In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 10666 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 10666 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :10666 Cannot resume index build as required DOP %d (DOP operation was started with) is not available. Please ensure sufficient DOP is available or abort existing index operation and try again.

SQL Server Error Code – 40942 a service objective assignment operation

In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 40942 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 40942 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :40942 A service objective assignment operation cannot be performed because copy or failover operation for the database ‘%.*ls’ on the server ‘%.*ls’ is in progress.

SQL Server Error Code – 3419 recovery for database ?%.*ls? is being s

In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 3419 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 3419 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :3419 Recovery for database ?%.*ls? is being skipped because it requires an upgrade but is marked for Standby. Use RESTORE DATABASE WITH NORECOVERY to take the database back to a Restoring…

SQL Server Error Code – 1814 could not create tempdb. you may not hav

In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 1814 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 1814 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :1814 Could not create tempdb. You may not have enough disk space available. Free additional disk space by deleting other files on the tempdb drive and then restart SQL Server. Check…

SQL Server Error Code – 22949 could not update the change data capture

In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 22949 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 22949 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :22949 Could not update the Change Data Capture metadata for capture instance ‘%s’ and source table ‘%s.%s’. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct…