COBOL Runtime Error Code – 197 Screen handling system initialization er

In this post, you’ll learn about the COBOL runtime Error Code 197 and the reason why you are receiving it

COBOL Error Code :


Reason for this Error in COBOL

Screen handling system initialization error (Fatal) -This error can be caused by one of the following: -Your display adapter is in the wrong mode. -Your screen handling interface has not been correctly initialized because your terminal does not have the required capabilities. -Your terminfo file is corrupted. -Memory has been incorrectly allocated. -If you are using a DOS or OS/2 system, the monitor must be in alphanumeric display mode rather than graphics display mode. You can set the display mode to a valid alphanumeric mode by using the DOS MODE utility and then rerunning your program. If you are using a UNIX-type system, you must check that your terminfo file contains the correct entry for your terminal. If your terminfo file is corrupt, or your screen handling interface has not been correctly initialized, you must advise your system administrator of the problem, and he will take steps to try to correct it. If your memory has been incorrectly allocated, you must rerun your program.

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