Delphi – E2033 Types of actual and formal var parameters must be identical
The actual argument for a variable parameter in your delphi program must be of the same type as the formal parameter.
program Produce; procedure SwapBytes(var B1, B2 Byte); var Temp: Byte; begin Temp := B1; B1 := B2; B2 := Temp; end; var C1, C2 0..255; (*Similar to a byte, but NOT identical*) begin SwapBytes(C1,C2); (*<-- Error message here*) end.
SwapBytes rejects arguments C1 and C2, despite the fact that they have the same memory structure and range as a Byte.
How to fix it ?
program Solve; procedure SwapBytes(var B1, B2 Byte); var Temp: Byte; begin Temp := B1; B1 := B2; B2 := Temp; end; var C1, C2 Byte; begin SwapBytes(C1,C2); (*<-- No error message here*) end.
In order for this example to compile, you must specify C1 and C2 as Bytes.
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