How to fix the Oracle error CRS-01806: An error occurred when obtaining the node number of this host, return code number?
In this post, you’ll learn more about the Oracle ErrorCRS-01806: An error occurred when obtaining the node number of this host, return code number with the details on why you receive this error and the possible solution to fix it.
Oracle Error Description
CRS-01806: An error occurred when obtaining the node number of this host, return code number
Reason for the Error CRS-01806: An error occurred when obtaining the node number of this host, return code number
Cause: The request for node number of this node failed.
How to fix the Error CRS-01806: An error occurred when obtaining the node number of this host, return code number ?
You can fix this error in Oracle by following the below steps
Action: Verify that the CSS daemon is running and restart it if not Retry the operation that failed after restart. Look for error messages from the CSS daemon in the alert log indicating any problems.
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