How to fix the Oracle error ORA-26915: Unable to return Logical Change Record (LCR) information due to missing data dictionary.?

In this post, you’ll learn more about the Oracle ErrorORA-26915: Unable to return Logical Change Record (LCR) information due to missing data dictionary. with the details on why you receive this error and the possible solution to fix it.

Oracle Error Description

ORA-26915: Unable to return Logical Change Record (LCR) information due to missing data dictionary.

Reason for the Error ORA-26915: Unable to return Logical Change Record (LCR) information due to missing data dictionary.

The current session was unable to return the requested information on the given LCR due to missing dictionary data on that LCR.

How to fix the Error ORA-26915: Unable to return Logical Change Record (LCR) information due to missing data dictionary. ?

You can fix this error in Oracle by following the below steps

Detach and reattach the XStream outbound server. Then retry the current call.

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