How to fix the Oracle error PLS-00371: at most one declaration for ‘string’ is permitted?

In this post, you’ll learn more about the Oracle ErrorPLS-00371: at most one declaration for ‘string’ is permitted with the details on why you receive this error and the possible solution to fix it.

Oracle Error Description

PLS-00371: at most one declaration for ‘string’ is permitted

Reason for the Error PLS-00371: at most one declaration for ‘string’ is permitted

A reference to an identifier was ambiguous because there were multiple declarations for the identifier. At most one local variable with a given identifier is permitted in the declarative part of a block, procedure, or function. At most one label with a given identifier may appear in a block.

How to fix the Error PLS-00371: at most one declaration for ‘string’ is permitted ?

You can fix this error in Oracle by following the below steps

Check the spelling of the identifier. If necessary, remove all but one declaration of the identifier.

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