How to fix the Oracle error QSM-01281: query rewrite not possible because either a primary key or a row id is required to join table string with MV string?
In this post, you’ll learn more about the Oracle ErrorQSM-01281: query rewrite not possible because either a primary key or a row id is required to join table string with MV string with the details on why you receive this error and the possible solution to fix it.
Oracle Error Description
QSM-01281: query rewrite not possible because either a primary key or a row id is required to join table string with MV string
Reason for the Error QSM-01281: query rewrite not possible because either a primary key or a row id is required to join table string with MV string
In order to obtain a missing column, the materialized view needs to join back to the above table. But it lacks the primary key or rowid for the table.
How to fix the Error QSM-01281: query rewrite not possible because either a primary key or a row id is required to join table string with MV string ?
You can fix this error in Oracle by following the below steps
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