How to fix the Oracle error SQL*Loader-00431: illegal NULLIF or DEFAULTIF clause specified for nested table column string?

In this post, you’ll learn more about the Oracle ErrorSQL*Loader-00431: illegal NULLIF or DEFAULTIF clause specified for nested table column string with the details on why you receive this error and the possible solution to fix it.

Oracle Error Description

SQL*Loader-00431: illegal NULLIF or DEFAULTIF clause specified for nested table column string

Reason for the Error SQL*Loader-00431: illegal NULLIF or DEFAULTIF clause specified for nested table column string

Rows in a nested table cannot be set to NULL. SQLLDR displays this error when a NULLIF clause was specified for the element that defines the row that make up a nested table. SQLLDR also displays this error if a DEFAULTIF clause is specified for an element that is a named type, since SQLLDR will set a named type to NULL if the DEFAULTIF evaluates to TRUE.

How to fix the Error SQL*Loader-00431: illegal NULLIF or DEFAULTIF clause specified for nested table column string ?

You can fix this error in Oracle by following the below steps


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