Hydra Error 208 Memory allocation failed during query processing.

In this blog post, let’s learn about the error message “208 Memory allocation failed during query processing.” in Hydra and the description of the error.

Error Message

208 Memory allocation failed during query processing.

Error Details

The cursor that is used in this statement was declared FOR UPDATE but with a SELECT statement that joins two or more tables. This action is not supported; the database server does not know how to distribute update values across multiple tables. If you declared the SELECT statement with the cursor, modify either it or the FOR UPDATE clause. If a program constructed the SELECT statement and associated it with the cursor dynamically, the program should inform its user not to use a multitable SELECT statement in this application. (This message occurs only with Version 4.0 or earlier.)
Cannot declare a SELECT INTO statement FOR UPDATE.
When you declare a cursor, you may not use both the INTO clause and the FOR UPDATE clause. To use this cursor to update selected rows, omit the INTO clause. Instead, use an INTO clause on the FETCH statement (or in 4GL, the FOREACH statement).

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