Hydra Error 302 No GRANT option or illegal option on multi-table view.

In this blog post, let’s learn about the error message “302 No GRANT option or illegal option on multi-table view.” in Hydra and the description of the error.

Error Message

302 No GRANT option or illegal option on multi-table view.

Error Details

This GRANT statement cannot be executed. The grantor does not have the right to grant the specified privilege for this table, the table name is a synonym, or the table is a view for which this option cannot be granted. If the grantor does have the right to grant the privilege, the table in question might be a synonym or a view that is not modifiable and cannot be used for insert, update, or delete operations. Starting with version 9.40, you can define an INSTEAD OF trigger on the view to make it modifiable and then try this option.
To grant any privilege for a table, you must be the owner of the table or you must have been granted the same privilege with the GRANT option. To use the AS GRANTOR clause, you must have DBA privilege.

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