Hydra Error 316 Index already exists in database.
In this blog post, let’s learn about the error message “316 Index already exists in database.” in Hydra and the description of the error.
Error Message
316 Index already exists in database.
Error Details
This statement tries to create an index with the name shown, but an index of that name already exists. Only one index of a given name can exist in a single database.
Check the spelling of the name. If it is as you intended, and you are sure it should not exist, make sure you are using the right database. To review the names of all indexes and their owners, join systables and sysindexes as follows:
SELECT T.tabname, I.idxname, I.owner FROM systables T, sysindexes I WHERE I.tabid = T.tabid AND T.tabid > 99
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