Hydra Error 350 Index already exists on column.

In this blog post, let’s learn about the error message “350 Index already exists on column.” in Hydra and the description of the error.

Error Message

350 Index already exists on column.

Error Details

This CREATE INDEX statement cannot be executed because an index on the same column or combination of columns already exists.At most two indexes can exist on any combination of columns, one ascending and one descending. To display the indexes on a particular table, join sysindexes and systables. Supply table-name in the following statement:
SELECT * FROM sysindexes, systables WHERE sysindexes.tabid = systables.tabid AND systables.tabname = ‘table-name’
The sysindexes table is not normalized (the part columns are a repeating group), so no simple SELECT statement will return all the column names in an index.

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