IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence Error Code 16 – Security violation.

In this blog post, let’s learn about the error message “16 – Security violation.” in IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence, the reason why it appears and the solution to fix it.

Error Message

16 – Security violation.

Error Details

Security violation.

Description: The Service platform has rejected the user id and password of this transaction. If the service platform contains a security exit, this exit has rejected the security information. Otherwise, the security features of the service platform have rejected the conversation on security grounds.

Action: Correct the user id and password and re-run the transaction. If the service platform contains a security exit, check that the exit is justified in rejecting the security information. If the service platform supports APPC security (i.e.CICS-RACF) check the security rules to correct the problem. If the user id and password do not match the client program should contain logic to notify the user that he is not logged on correctly.

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