IBM Sterling B2B Integrator SWIFT Error Code – SearchAndReturnCriteriaAnd StatementReportRule – 1786

In this post, you’ll learn more about the SWIFT Error SearchAndReturnCriteriaAnd

StatementReportRule – 1786that is returned when working with the IBM Sterling B2B Integrator

IBM Sterling B2B Integrator SWIFT Error Code



Error Description

The following combinations are allowed: only Search Criteria, or only Return Criteria, or only a Statement Report, or a combination of Search and Return criteria, or a combination of Search criteria and a Statement Report. Rule rationale: If ReturnCriteria are present, they define the expected report. If StatementReport is present, it indicates that a statement-type report needs to be returned.

In this case, the return message will contain information equivalent to that present in field 61 (Statement Line) of FIN standards, eg, value date,

entry date, debit/credit indicator, amount, transaction type identification code, reference for the account owner, reference of the account servicing institution and supplementary details. If the StatementReportIndicator equals false or 0 (No), this means that the report type is pre-defined between the transaction administrator and the member.