Tag: DB2 Error Messages

IBM DB2 Error Code -491 – create statement for user-defined functi

In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -491 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -491 Reason for this Error in DB2 CREATE STATEMENT FOR USER-DEFINED FUNCTION function-name MUST HAVE A RETURNS CLAUSE AND: THE EXTERNAL CLAUSE WITH OTHER REQUIRED KEYWORDS; THE PARAMETER NAMES; OR THE SOURCE CLAUSE

IBM DB2 Error Code -20093 – the table table-name cannot be converte

In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -20093 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -20093 Reason for this Error in DB2 THE TABLE table-name CANNOT BE CONVERTED TO OR FROM A MATERIALIZED QUERY TABLE, OR THE MATERIALIZED QUERY TABLE PROPERTY CANNOT BE ALTERED. REASON CODE = reason-code.

IBM DB2 Error Code -20528 – the target of the data change operation

In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -20528 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -20528 Reason for this Error in DB2 THE TARGET OF THE DATA CHANGE OPERATION IS A TABLE table-name, WHICH INCLUDES A PERIOD period-name. A ROW THAT THIS DATA CHANGE OPERATION ATTEMPTED TO MODIFY WAS ALSO MODIFIED BY ANOTHER TRANSACTION.