Tag: DB2 Error Messages
IBM DB2 Error Code -4704 – an unsupported data type was encountered
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -4704 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -4704 Reason for this Error in DB2 AN UNSUPPORTED DATA TYPE WAS ENCOUNTERED AS AN INCLUDE COLUMN
IBM DB2 Error Code -430 – routine-type routine-name (specific name
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -430 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -430 Reason for this Error in DB2 routine-type routine-name (SPECIFIC NAME specific-name) HAS ABNORMALLY TERMINATED
IBM DB2 Error Code -170 – the number of arguments specified for fu
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -170 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -170 Reason for this Error in DB2 THE NUMBER OF ARGUMENTS SPECIFIED FOR function-name IS INVALID
IBM DB2 Error Code -079 – qualifier for object name was specified
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -079 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -079 Reason for this Error in DB2 QUALIFIER FOR OBJECT name WAS SPECIFIED AS qualifier1 but qualifier2 IS REQUIRED
IBM DB2 Error Code -20550 – an argument, or combination of argument
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -20550 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -20550 Reason for this Error in DB2 AN ARGUMENT, OR COMBINATION OF ARGUMENTS, SPECIFIED FOR THE operator-name OPERATOR ARE NOT VALID.
IBM DB2 Error Code -695 – invalid value seclabel specified for sec
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -695 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -695 Reason for this Error in DB2 INVALID VALUE seclabel SPECIFIED FOR SECURITY LABEL COLUMN OF TABLE table-name
IBM DB2 Error Code -872 – a valid ccsid has not yet been specified
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -872 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -872 Reason for this Error in DB2 A VALID CCSID HAS NOT YET BEEN SPECIFIED FOR THIS SUBSYSTEM
IBM DB2 Error Code -203 – a reference to column column-name is amb
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -203 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -203 Reason for this Error in DB2 A REFERENCE TO COLUMN column-name IS AMBIGUOUS
IBM DB2 Error Code -905 – unsuccessful execution due to resource
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -905 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -905 Reason for this Error in DB2 UNSUCCESSFUL EXECUTION DUE TO RESOURCE LIMIT BEING EXCEEDED, RESOURCE NAME = resource-name LIMIT = limit-amount1 CPU SECONDS (limit-amount2 SERVICE UNITS) DERIVED FROM limit-source
IBM DB2 Error Code -198 – the operand of the prepare or execute im
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -198 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -198 Reason for this Error in DB2 THE OPERAND OF THE PREPARE OR EXECUTE IMMEDIATE STATEMENT IS BLANK OR EMPTY
IBM DB2 Error Code -20335 – more than one xsrobject-type exists iden
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -20335 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -20335 Reason for this Error in DB2 MORE THAN ONE xsrobject-type EXISTS IDENTIFIED BY XML uri-type1 uri1 AND uri-type2 uri2 EXISTS IN THE XML SCHEMA REPOSITORY.
IBM DB2 Error Code -20490 – a versioning clause was specified for t
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -20490 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -20490 Reason for this Error in DB2 A VERSIONING CLAUSE WAS SPECIFIED FOR TABLE table-name, BUT THE TABLE CANNOT BE USED AS A SYSTEM PERIOD TEMPORAL TABLE. REASON CODE = reason-code.
IBM DB2 Error Code -30045 – execution failed because the definition
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -30045 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -30045 Reason for this Error in DB2 EXECUTION FAILED BECAUSE THE DEFINITION OF OBJECT object-name OF TYPE object-type BEING ACCESSED AT server-name-1 DIFFERS FROM THE DEFINITION OF THE OBJECT AT server-name-2
IBM DB2 Error Code -352 – an unsupported sqltype was encountered
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -352 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -352 Reason for this Error in DB2 AN UNSUPPORTED SQLTYPE WAS ENCOUNTERED IN POSITION position-number OF THE INPUT-LIST
IBM DB2 Error Code -778 – ending label label-name does not match t
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -778 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -778 Reason for this Error in DB2 ENDING LABEL label-name DOES NOT MATCH THE BEGINNING LABEL
IBM DB2 Error Code -253 – a non-atomic statement statement success
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -253 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -253 Reason for this Error in DB2 A NON-ATOMIC statement STATEMENT SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED FOR SOME OF THE REQUESTED ROWS, POSSIBLY WITH WARNINGS, AND ONE OR MORE ERRORS
IBM DB2 Error Code -20264 – for table table-name, primary-auth-id w
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -20264 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -20264 Reason for this Error in DB2 FOR TABLE table-name, primary-auth-id WITH SECURITY LABEL primary-auth-id-seclabel IS NOT AUTHORIZED TO PERFORM operation ON A ROW WITH SECURITY LABEL row-seclabel. THE RECORD IDENTIFIER (RID) OF THIS ROW IS rid-number.
IBM DB2 Error Code -310 – decimal host variable or parameter numbe
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -310 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -310 Reason for this Error in DB2 DECIMAL HOST VARIABLE OR PARAMETER number CONTAINS NON-DECIMAL DATA
IBM DB2 Error Code -16255 – a db2-xdb:rowset value rowset-name used
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -16255 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -16255 Reason for this Error in DB2 A db2-xdb:rowSet VALUE rowset-name USED AT OR NEAR LINE lineno IN XML SCHEMA DOCUMENT uri CONFLICTS WITH A db2-xdb:table ANNOTATION WITH THE SAME NAME.
IBM DB2 Error Code -552 – authorization-id does not have the privi
In this post, you’ll learn about the IBM DB2 Error -552 and the reason why you are receiving it IBM DB2 Error Code : -552 Reason for this Error in DB2 authorization-id DOES NOT HAVE THE PRIVILEGE TO PERFORM OPERATION operation
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