Tag: How to

Different Tabs in the Package Manifest file in Universal App

The package manifest file in the Windows Store App and Windows Phone app (universal app) lets the developers to describe some of the key information about the application like the name , necessary device capabilities that the app can use and the requirements for the device to install the app etc. The name of the file would generally be Package.appxmanifest. Different Tabs in the Package…

How to Create a ShellToast(ToastPrompt) in Windows Phone 8 ?

Do you want to create a ShellToast from your Windows Phone 8 app ? . The Coding4fun toolkit provides some additional controls which can be used create a ShellToast in Windows Phone 8 app. How to Create a ShellToast(ToastPrompt) in Windows Phone 8 ? Below is a sample code snippet demonstrating how to achieve it using the ToastPrompt control from Coding4Fun.

C++ Program to add two integers

Problem Write a program in C++ to add two integers and display the result on the screen. C++ Program to add two integers Output Enter first number : 8                                                                                                                                                            Enter second number : 2                                                                                                                                                                  8 + 2 = 10

GOTO Label in SQL Server

There are times when you want to jump to a specific section (Label) in the code when a condition satisfies. You can create a label and then use the GOTO statement to branch directly to the code. To create a label , simply specify the label name followed by the colon. Label1: Here’s a query demonstrating the usage of the Label named “RecordExistsLabel” and GOTO…

Creating Namespace in WinJS for Windows Store App ?

When developing Windows Store App using WinJS library , there are times when you want to create a namespace . You can use the WinJS.Namespace.define() method to create a namespace. Below is a sample code snippet demonstrating how to create a namespace in WinJS for Windows Store App using WinJS. Creating Namespace in WinJS for Windows Store App ?

Java – How to use Packages to organize code ?

Problem Statement You need to use packages in java to organize your code. Solution Your Java program might the following Classes Interfaces Enums Other types There are times when your program might grow larger including th number of java classes used. You might want to organize these source files to that it is easier to maintain and avoid other issues like class name conflicts. Inorder…

How to Combine URL in C#?

The .NET Framework includes the Path.Combine feature which can be used to combine the strings into a path. How about having the same functionality to combine URL? How to Combine URL in C#? This is where the Uri class comes handy. The Uri class includes the constructor which can be used to combine URL. For example, if I need to combine “http://www.abundantcode.com” and “blogs/article1.html”, I…

How to Get Auto Incrementing Version Number in Visual Studio 2013 ?

If you are a user looking for a simple trick to auto incrementing version number in Visual Studio 2013 , here we go. How to Get Auto Incrementing Version Number in Visual Studio 2013 ? The AssemblyInfo class does the trick for you . Just include the asterik (*) to the end of the AssemblyVersion attribute in the AssemblyInfo class and you are done ….

How to pass a function as parameter in JavaScript ?

There are times when you might want to pass a function as argument to another function in JavaScript. The function keyword can work in multiple ways. It can act as a operator and a statement as well. Additionally , you can create an expression as well. How to pass a function as parameter in JavaScript ? We can pass a function as a parameter to…

Match Statement in F#

Match Statement is similar to switch statement in C# . Below is a sample code snippet demonstrating the use of Match statement in F#. Match Statement in F#

How to Decode HTML Characters in C# ?

The .NET Framework 4.0 and above provides the WebUtility.HtmlDecode class which lets the developers to convert the string which are encoded with HTML characters to plain string . How to Decode HTML Characters in C# ? Below is a sample code snippet that demonstrates how to decode HTML characters in C#.