Tag: manifest file.

Application Tab in the Package Manifest file in Universal App

The Application tab in the package manifest file in the universal app lets the developers to set some of the application related information like name , description , default language etc. You can even restrict the preferred orientation of your app in this tab by selected one of the below options Landscape Portrait Landscape-flipped Portrait-flipped For a Windows Store App , you could set the…

Microsoft Band and Android(Java) – Add Permission Tags in the Manifest file

When working with the Microsoft Band using Java for an android app , it is necessary add the following permissions under the uses-permission tag of the AndroidManifest.xml. android.permission.BLUETOOTH com.microsoft.band.service.access.BIND_BAND_SERVICE How to add Permission Tags in the Manifest file to use Band SDK in Java ? The reason for adding this to the manifest file is that the app will be using the capabilities of the…