Tag: MS SQL Server Error Codes

SQL Server Error Code – 5029 warning: the log for database ‘%.*ls’ ha

In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 5029 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 5029 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :5029 Warning: The log for database ‘%.*ls’ has been rebuilt. Transactional consistency has been lost. The RESTORE chain was broken, and the server no longer has context on the previous log…

SQL Server Error Code – 19459 the listener with dns name ‘%.*ls’ does

In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 19459 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 19459 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :19459 The listener with DNS name ‘%.*ls’ does not conform to SQL Server listener guidelines, and cannot be configured through SQL Server. Reconfigure the listener through the WSFC Cluster Manager.

SQL Server Error Code – 27140 the operation cannot be started because

In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 27140 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 27140 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :27140 The operation cannot be started because the user is not a member of the database role, ‘%ls’, or the server role, ‘%ls’. Log in as a member of one of…

SQL Server Error Code – 5173 one or more files do not match the prima

In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 5173 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 5173 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :5173 One or more files do not match the primary file of the database. If you are attempting to attach a database, retry the operation with the correct files.  If this…

SQL Server Error Code – 40928 create or update failover group operatio

In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 40928 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 40928 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :40928 Create or update Failover Group operation successfully completed; however, some of the databases could not be added to or removed from Failover Group: ‘%.*ls’

SQL Server Error Code – 45303 attempt to cancel activation or rollback

In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 45303 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 45303 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :45303 Attempt to cancel activation or rollback activation automatically because of operation timeout, but this is not supported in current state. Please check database status after operation is finished.

SQL Server Error Code – 3410 data in filegroup %s is offline, and def

In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the SQL Server Error Code 3410 and the error message description that is shown SQL Server Error Code 3410 SQL Server Error Description for the Code :3410 Data in filegroup %s is offline, and deferred transactions exist. Use RESTORE to recover the filegroup, or drop the filegroup if you never intend to recover it. Log truncation cannot…