C Program to find if the Given year is a Leap Year or Not


Write a program in C to check whether a year entered by the user is a leap year or not.

How to find if the given Year is a Leap Year or Not in C ?

If the Year is divisible exactly by 4 , then it is a Leap Year. Additionally for the century years that ends with 00 , it is a Leap Year if it is divisible exactly by 400.

Here’s a program in C language to demonstrate this.

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    printf("Abundantcode.com's Coding sample\n");
    int inputYear;
    printf("Enter a year: ");

    if(inputYear %%4 == 0)
        if( inputYear %% 100 == 0)
            if ( inputYear %% 400 == 0)
                printf("%%d is leap year.", inputYear);
                printf("%%d is not a leap year.", inputYear);
            printf("%%d is leap year.", inputYear );
        printf("%%d is not a leap year.", inputYear);
    return 0;


Abundantcode.com’s Coding sample                                      
Enter a year: 2004                                         
2004 is leap year.