How to Check if the Enum Value is Defined in C# ?

There are times when it is necessary to check if the constant name or numeric value is defined in the Enum . We can use the Enum.IsDefined method to verify this.

How to Check if the Enum Value is Defined in C# ?

Below is a sample code to demonstrate how to Check if the Enum Value is Defined in C# using Enum.IsDefined method. The Enum.IsDefined takes either the constant name or integer value as its second parameter which is shown in the below code snippet.

internal enum ProgrammingLanguages



Java = 1,

Erlang = 2,

Delphi = 3,


public partial class Form1 : Form


private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


// Using Constant

if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(ProgrammingLanguages), "Objective-C"))

MessageBox.Show("This language is not defined.");

// Using Integer

if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(ProgrammingLanguages), 22))

MessageBox.Show("This language is not defined.");

