Category: C#

Concatenate or Join a string Array using LINQ in C#

Want to join the items inside the string array say with, delimiter using LINQ in C#? It’s pretty easy. Below is a sample code snippet demonstrating in easy steps on how to concatenate a string array using LINQ in C#? Concatenate or Join a string Array using LINQ in C#

Auto-Property Initializers with Method Call in C# 6.0

The Auto-Property Initializer in C# 6.0 is a feature that lets the users to initialize the value of the auto implemented property . This feature lets the user provide any expression (lambda expression or a method) . Auto-Property Initializers with Method Call in C# 6.0 The below code snippet demonstrates how to initialize the auto property with a method call.

C# Compiler Error – CS8750 type ‘{0}’ cannot be embedded because it

In this blog post, you’ll learn more about the C# Compiler Error – CS8750 and the related message description C# Compiler Error Code CS8750 C# Compiler Description for the Code :CS8750 Type ‘{0}’ cannot be embedded because it has a re-abstraction of a member from base interface. Consider setting the ‘Embed Interop Types’ property to false.

How to Turnoff Frame rate counter in UWP App ?

You can turn off the frame rate counter in your Universal Windows Platform (UAP) apps by following the below steps. How to Turnoff Frame rate counter in UWP App ? 1. Open your UWP project built using C# and XAML in Visual Studio. 2. From Visual Studio Solution explorer , open App.xaml.cs. 3. Set the DebugSettings.EnableFrameRateCounter property with the false false. as shown below.