Category: Delphi
Delphi – E2015 Operator not applicable to this operand type
When an operator cannot be applied to the operands it was given, such as when a boolean operator is applied to a pointer, this error message is displayed. In this case, a C++ programmer was unsure about operator precedence in Delphi because P is not a boolean expression and the comparison must be parenthesized. The compiler is pleased if we explicitly compare P to nil…
Delphi – E2027 Duplicate tag value
In your Delphi program, When a constant appears more than once in the declaration of a variant record, this error message is displayed. How to Fix it?
Delphi – E2019 Object type required
When the compiler expects an object type, this error is returned. An object’s ancestor type, for example, must also be an object type. TObject in the unit System has a class type, which means we can’t derive an object type from it. Make that the type identification corresponds to an object type; it could be misspelt or obscured by another unit’s identifier.
Delphi E2013 Type of expression must be INTEGER
Only when the constant expression that specifies the amount of characters in a string type is not of type integer does this error message appear. The example attempts to describe the number of elements in a string as a function of the maximum element of type colour; however, the element count is of type colour, which is prohibited.
Delphi – E2028 Sets may have at most 256 elements
In your Delphi program, When you try to declare a set type with more than 256 elements, you get this error notice. More exactly, the upper and lower limits of the base type must have ordinal values in the range 0..255. BigSet has only 256 elements in the example, yet it is still forbidden. We must ensure that the upper and lower bounds are in…
Delphi – E2070 Unknown directive – ‘%s’
When the delphi compiler detects an unfamiliar directive in a procedure or function declaration, this error message displays. It’s likely that the directive is misspelt or that a semicolon is missing. The calling convention “stdcall” is misspelt in P’s declaration. A semicolon is missing from the Q and GetLastError declarations. The answer is to double-check that the directives are correctly worded and that the required…
Delphi – E2002 File type not allowed here
File types are not permitted as value arguments or as the file type’s base type. They can’t be used as function return types, and you can’t assign them; nevertheless, those mistakes will result in a different error message. The issue is that T is a value argument of type Text, which is a file type in this case. Remember that whatever you write to a…
Delphi – E2008 Incompatible types
When the compiler expects two types to be compatible (that is, highly similar), yet they turn out to be different, this error message appears. This error can arise in a variety of situations, such as when a read or write clause in a property refers to a method with a parameter list that does not match the property, or when a parameter to a standard…
Delphi – E2029 %s expected but %s found
When there are syntax errors in your Delphi program, this error message occurs. There was most likely a typo in the source, or something was missed. When an error occurs at the start of a line, the true error is frequently found on the preceding line. The compiler anticipates a semicolon after the type Integer to end the variable definition. It can’t locate the semicolon…
Delphi – E2074 Label declared and referenced, but not set ‘%s’
In your delphi application, you declared and used a label, yet there was no label definition in the source code. In the procedure ‘Labeled,’ the label 10 is declared and utilised, but the compiler never finds a definition for it. The basic approach is to make sure that every declared and used label in your application has a definition in the same scope.
Delphi – E2067 Missing parameter type
Delphi Error E2067 Missing parameter type Problem When a parameter list contains no type for a value parameter in your delphi program, this error message is displayed. For fixed and variable arguments, omitting the type is acceptable. We meant method P to have two integer parameters, but instead of a comma after the first parameter, we used a semicolon. The function ComputeHash was expected to…
Delphi – E2075 This form of method call only allowed in methods of derived types
If you try to call a method of an ancestor type but aren’t actually in a method, you’ll get this error message. The example tries to call an inherited function in procedure Create, which is not a function. When using this type of call, the solution is to make sure you’re in a method.
Delphi – E2060 Class and interface types only allowed in type section
In a type section of your delphi program, class or interface types must always be stated with an explicit type declaration. They cannot be anonymous, unlike other record kinds. The key reason for this is that you wouldn’t be able to declare the type’s methods otherwise (since there is no type name). Attempting to declare a class type within a variable declaration is incorrect: How…
Delphi – E2009 Incompatible types – ‘%s’
A distinction between the declaration and use of a procedure has been discovered by the compiler. Because the type ‘ProcedureParm0′ expects a’stdcall’ procedure, but ‘WrongConvention’ is declared with the’register’ calling convention, the call to ‘TakesParm0’ will result in an error. Similarly, because the parameter lists do not match, the call to ‘TakesParm1’ will fail. Both of these issues can be solved by ensuring that the…
Delphi – E2018 Record, object or class type required
The compiler was looking for a type name that specified a record, object, or class, but none could be found. In this application, there are two possible causes for the same error. The first is when you use ‘.’ on something that isn’t a record. In the second scenario, a variable of the wrong type is used in a WITH statement. The simple answer to…
Delphi – E2072 Number of elements (%d) differs from declaration (%d)
When you declare a typed constant or initialised variable of array type in your Delphi program but don’t specify the correct amount of items, this error message appears. Although the sample declares a 10-element array, the initialization only provides 9 entries. To make the compiler happy, we just had to provide the missing piece. It can be difficult to tell if you’ve supplied the correct…
Delphi – E2033 Types of actual and formal var parameters must be identical
The actual argument for a variable parameter in your delphi program must be of the same type as the formal parameter. SwapBytes rejects arguments C1 and C2, despite the fact that they have the same memory structure and range as a Byte. How to fix it ? In order for this example to compile, you must specify C1 and C2 as Bytes.
Delphi – E2016 Array type required
If you index into an operand that isn’t an array, or if you pass an argument that isn’t an array to an open array parameter, you’ll see this error notice. We attempt to apply an index to a pointer to an integer, which is legal in C but not in Delphi. We must tell the compiler that we want P to point to an array…
Delphi – E2071 This type cannot be initialized
In Delphi, you can’t declare typed constants or initialised variables of file types (including type Text) or the type Variant since they can’t be initialised. The example attempts to declare an initialised Variant variable, which is forbidden. The solution is to use an assignment statement to initialise a normal variable.
Delphi – E2011 Low bound exceeds high bound
When the low bound of a subrange type is more than the high bound, or the low bound of a case label range is bigger than the high bound, this error message is displayed. Instead of considering the ranges as empty in the preceding example, the compiler throws an error. The reversing of the bounds was most likely unintentional. Make sure the boundaries are stated…