Category: popular
List of Popular Mocking Frameworks for C# Developers
List of Popular Mocking Frameworks for C# Developers FakeItEasy JustMock Moq EasyMock.NET NMock 3 TypeMock Isolator Rhino Mocks NSubstitute
Popular and Interesting Frameworks for Web Developers
There are plenty of frameworks that are getting released frequently which the Web developers can consume in their web applications . These frameworks automates the work that is common so that web developers can consume them instead of reinventing the wheel again. In this article , we will list out some of the popular and interesting frameworks which can be used by the web developers….
What is Dependency Injection or Inversion of Control (IOC) ?
Looking for the definition of the Dependency Injection or Inversion of Control (IOC) in .NET ? Dependency Injection or Inversion of Control (IOC) is simply a design pattern which helps the developers implement loose coupling effectively . The dependency injection involves 2 steps Removing the dependencies of the concrete class. Injecting the dependencies during the runtime. The IoC container is the Dependency Injection Container which…