How to Add Border to the Ellipse Control in Windows Phone 8 ?

Looking for an option to add border with a different color to the Ellipse Control in Windows Phone 8 ? Here’s a simple way to do it.

How to Add Border to the Ellipse Control in Windows Phone 8 ?

Assume that the Ellipse tag in the XAML is as shown below. The Ellipse has the background color “Chocolate”.

<Ellipse Height="52" Width="52" Fill="Chocolate"/>

We can just set the Stroke property with the appropriate color and specify the StrokeThickness and we are all set to get the border to the ellipse in Windows Phone 8 as shown below.

<Ellipse Height="52" Width="52" Fill="Chocolate" Stroke="Red" StrokeThickness="10">
How to Add Border to the Ellipse Control in Windows Phone 8 ?